Short Stories, Updates!

Too Much Love, Not Enough Time Part. 12

Miguel looks into a marketing firm. (I can’t really do too much of the research because I don’t have the restaurant opened yet.) he thinks. (“So far I may have to go with Greenlight Marketing. After operating the restaurant, he does some bartending and gives his workers a light drink. “Thanks boss.” they said. “Great work, you guys.” he said. They are very happy. After the restaurant hours were over, Miguel closes up shop. (Jesus, I’m tired.) he thinks. He goes to his apartment after flagging down a taxi. He goes to his apartment door and unlocks it. He goes inside. He takes a warm shower and unwinds for the rest of the day. “Pretty soon, I will be able to hire restaurant managers. Then, I won’t have to personally manage the restaurants.” he said out loud to himself. He looks at TV. I should game for a couple of hours.” he said out of boredom. He begins to play a game. After playing for 6 hours straight, he cuts off the game and goes to sleep.

The Next Day…

Yolanda gets ready to go to work. She works her hours and leave early. She calls Miguel. Miguel wakes up from his sleep. He answers the phone. [ “Hello.” he said. “Hey, Miguel.” Yolanda said. “Yolanda.” he said in excitement. “I got off early. Wanna hang out?” she said. “Sure.” he said, “Come over to my place.” “Uh…” she said, a little hesitant. “You know as a friend.” he said, laughing at her hesitation, “What do you think we were going to do?” Yolanda’s face turns red from embarrassment. “I-I-I don’t know. You tell me.” Yolanda said. She could feel Miguel smile over the phone. “So, where do I meet you?” she said. “Meet me at the restaurant.” he said. She thinks about it. “Okay. Sure.” she said after thinking about it. She goes to meet him. It takes her an hour to get there. Miguel waits by the restaurant door. Yolanda gets out of the car. She sees Miguel. His appearance shocks her. he wears a white t-shirt and a dark plaid flannel and relaxed jeans. his hair was tied back in a messy bun.

She noticed his clear framed glasses on his face. “Miguel?” she said. He looks up and instantly smiles when he sees her. “Ready to go to the apartment?” he asks. “I guess.” she said. “I won’t do anything.” Miguel said. “I’ll trust you.” she said. They go to the apartment. Miguel opens the door and the apartment was very clean. “Have you eaten?” he asks. “No I haven’t.” she said gazing around the apartment.”Well, I’ll cook fajitas.” he said, “and chimichangas.” He begins to cook. Yolanda is surprised by his efforts. (Wow, it’s like we are actually on a date.) she thinks.


Official Story Lineup!

Rules Don’t Apply Still Available On Wattpad

Still waiting on Peace Offering to drop? Be patient. I will post on Wattpad also. I’m still typing it up. Once I get that Copyrighted than I will post on Wattpad, anyways. I hope you guys will enjoy my Rules Don’t Apply Story! I would greatly appreciate the support and the feedback. Thank you. Also, you can read the Prolouge. The link is also here: